Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity
Let’s run for yourself and someone else.
Healthy women, Healthy world.
JOICFP will participate in the Tokyo Marathon 2025 [Sunday, March 2, 2025] Charity as a donation recipient organization.
March is the White Ribbon Month to promote women’s health and rights. Please link your action of challenging the Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity to our activities that protect women’s health and lives worldwide and empower each of them during White Ribbon Month.
Date | Sunday, 2 March 2025 |
Application Procedures & Schedule | Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – July 10, 2024, 5:00 p.m |
Organized by | Tokyo Marathon Foundation |
Applications |
Running as a Charity Runner
Application Guidelines
Individual Applicants |
Corporate Applicants |
*A maximum of two corporate applicants per company will be selected. |
Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity Participation Procedures
Apply from the charity donation system and select “JOICFP.”
Only those selected charity runners in accordance with the application guidelines will be notified of the selection result by email. Please follow the procedures in the email to donate.
Upon completing the payment, you will receive the email for completing the Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity donation. The email contains the URL and password for the entry as a charity runner.
Complete the entry registration using the URL and password in 3. After completing the entry, the applicant will receive the email with the URL of the “My Entry” page.
In addition to donations, the Tokyo Marathon 2025 event fee will also be charged. After receiving the email from the Tokyo Marathon Foundation, please make a payment from your “My Entry” page.
After receiving the email for the payment completion, applicants are confirmed as charity runners of the Tokyo Marathon 2025.
※2. For charity runners residing in Japan, JOICFP will issue the tax-deductible receipt of the donation.※2. If you do not make a payment within the time limit after receiving the email, your eligibility for the offer will be revoked.※2. If you do not receive the payment information, you will not be selected.※2 Both individual and corporate applicants who donate 100,000 yen or more will be eligible as charity runners (A maximum of two corporate applicants per company will be selected). Charity runners will be selected by higher donation amounts. If the donation application amount is the same, it will be decided based on the content of the “Thoughts on Charity & Messages.”※4. Please note that the race is not yet confirmed at this point.※4. You will receive an email from the race organizer before the race to inform you of the start of the payment procedure.※4. If the entry fee is not paid, the charity runner status will be revoked.
※4. The amount of the entry fee to be paid to the Tokyo Marathon Foundation differs depending on whether you are a resident of Japan or overseas. For details, please refer to the Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity Official Website.※ We do not provide refunds after a donation has been made. (following the entry rules in the Tokyo Marathon 2024 Charity Application Guidelines).
What We Can Do with Your Donation
JOICFP will use the donation to prevent unintended pregnancies and cervical cancer.
One woman dies every minute…
Around the world, one woman loses her life every minute due to causes related to pregnancy, delivery, unsafe abortion, and cervical cancer.
Through participation in the Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity, JOICFP will strive to protect the health and lives of women and girls in Kenya, Africa, and in Japan. We will provide Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to empower them with quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and care to prevent unintended pregnancies and promote prevention and early detection of cervical cancer.
True Stories:
- Khadija from the slums of Kibera, Kenya
Khadijah dreamt of being a nurse in Canada. However, she found herself pregnant at the age of 16 and gave birth at the age of 17. “It was only 3-4 weeks after my first sex with my boyfriend when I discovered I was pregnant. I didn’t know there were birth control options. When you live here, you don’t talk about sex and related information openly. Now I regret the choices I made very much. If I had contraception and the right information, I wouldn’t have become a mother as a teenager. I wouldn’t have dropped out of school and wouldn’t have
given up on my dream of going to Canada.” - Mori (tentative name) 53 years old (mother of 19 and 14 years old), Japan
- I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when I was 49 years old. After giving birth, I was busy raising my children. As I was confident of my health, I paid little attention to the health checkup information sent from the local government. When I was concerned about menopause, I went for my first checkup in about 10 years. Then I found out that I had cervical cancer. Being shocked, I learned for the first time that it is caused by a viral infection through sexual intercourses. Also, I later learnt that cervical cancer is the only preventable cancer. I don’t want my daughter to go down the same path. I hope in Japan we will be able to receive correct education about sex and reproduction even at an early age before having sex.
- <Overseas> Kenya: Delivering Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to Women and Youths in slums
- JOICFP will develop materials for CSE and use them in the slum areas outside the capital city of Nairobi to promote the prevention of unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases among young people. We will work with schools and local communities to train youth volunteers and other leaders who promote CSE and create a sustainable system where activities continue without JOICFP.
- <Domestic> Japan: In order to make Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) available at all schools in Japan,
JOICFP will:
1) conduct advocacy to policy makers at the national and decentralized levels, and
2) provide Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR*1) information to young people and their gatekeepers.Aiming to provide SRHR information to 10,000 people, JOICFP will use our original educational material, SRHR NOTE (*2), creating opportunities and spaces for young people, parents, and school teachers to learn about SRHR. We will also advocate for policymakers (i.e. MPs and government officials) to ensure that CSE is introduced in schools.
Through Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity, JOICFP will utilize donations in the following programs:

SRHR awareness-raising activity for women in a slum

Sensitization of cervical cancer for men in slum areas
*1 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) means that each of us has the right
1)to have appropriate knowledge, autonomy, and agency about our own sexual and reproductive health
2)to be able to receive the health care we need on our own will, and
3)to protect our dignity and health.
SRHR includes the right to decide for ourselves whether or not to have children, when and how many children to have. It is also related to sexually transmitted infections, HPV/cervical cancer, gender, sexuality, etc., which are all important and necessary life skills for our lives.
An educational material that includes a wide range of information on SRHR-related topics necessary for young people (especially in their teens and 20s), such as one’s body, relationships with partners, sex, sexually transmitted infections, HPV/cervical cancer, pregnancy, gender, sexuality, etc.

Peer activists talking about SRHR with young people
Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity official website:
Contact us:
Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity team